



Well done Good debut for Tenshin Nasukawa. That Yuki Yonaha came to fight.

tenshin is always going to have an advantage over 90% of the division, because he's quicker, has great punch placement sense
he said he still needs to work on fighting more rounds, getting used to the distance...

(米放送局)ESPN+の寺地vs オラスクアガと那須川天心のプロデビュー戦の生配信を見忘れたので、先程から今見逃し配信で追っかけているところ。
Forgot about the ESPN+ stream of #TerajiOlascuaga & saw I just missed Tenshin Nasukawa's pro boxing debut, so I just rewound it.
Was very impressed with Tenshin's boxing debut. We already knew how great his handspeed & accuracy were from his kickboxing career & he showed it tonight. Loved how he can hurt you from all angles.

Tenshin looked good he just needs to make that full transition from the kickboxing stance to boxing stance because he was squaring up a bit, but other than that he put his punches together nicely and it was an entertaining fight.

天心は素晴らしいボクサーになるよ。今日、早速試合を見たけど、信じられないほどのハンドスピードを持ってるし非常にアグレッシブだ。そして彼は見る人を楽しませるショーマンでもある。彼の顔には「big box office(興行的なヒット作間違い無し)」と書かれているようなものだし、すぐにでもチャンピオンになれるだろうね。そのことを私は確信しているよ。
Tenshin is going to be a great boxer. I watched that fight earlier today, and the kid has incredible hand speed and is highly aggressive. He's also a showman. He's got "big box office" written all over him. He's going to be a champion soon, I'm sure.

デビュー戦としては上出来。今回はフィニッシュが決まらなかったが 技術を披露し見せ場もあった。 彼はいずれ世界チャンピオンになるだろうし、おそらくかなり早い段階でなれると信じて疑わないよ。とはいっても、仮にフルトンvs井上尚弥の勝者と対戦するとしたら、とんでもないステップアップが必要だけどね。
That was a very good debut. He got to show off a lot of skills, and even showboat some, although he wasn't able to get the finish this time. I have no doubt he'll be a world champion at some point, likely pretty fast, although if he has to go through the winner of Fulton v Inoue, that's a ridiculous step up in competition..

I hope Nasukawa and Inoue don’t end up fighting each other I like them both so much but that would be a crazy match it would sell out the Tokyo Dome so fast

Tenshin nasukawa looked very good in his debut. Against a solid opponent aswell.

Nasukawa looks a solid prospect, if he really wants to break Loma’s title record it won’t be at 122. Not sure he can make 118 where it’d be more possible

天心が先程ドラゴンアッパーを着弾させようとしたところ🤣。これで2回目かな。 Tenshin is just begging for an opportunity to land a Dragon Uppercut 🤣. That's twice he's thrown it now.


real life takeshi sendo

is this dude that cried when he got knocked out in that exhibition against floyd?

Could care less about a guy who was flopping around on the floor, overselling, and crying when an ancient Floyd Mayweather stopped him in 1 round.

He looked good and he was facing a good opponent for his first fight. He was really accurate (helped that Yonaha doesn’t move his head much) and his punch selection was impressive. I don’t think he has much power but we’ll see. A solid start.

Decent debut from Nasukawa although those bodyshots bothering him a bit in the 6th & final round are something he needs to defend against better among other things (telegraphing the left cross and posing a bit while throwing).

He looked solid, I don’t know how promising his boxing career will be but he’s definitely talented

Tenshin is very good . I want to see him again

Nasuaka was entertaining to watch!

Boy never gave up after that humiliation Floyd gave him


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