▼6ラウンド途中から7ラウンドの棄権までの映像【世界戦23勝】井上尚弥、まさかの形で7回TKO勝ち ドヘニーの腰に異変かhttps://t.co/yfk0QM8cwS
— ライブドアニュース (@livedoornews) September 3, 2024
井上尚弥は後ろ重心で消極的なドヘニーに徐々に攻勢を強め、7回にコーナーで連打を浴びせたところでTKOが決まった。23勝は元世界ミドル級3団体統一王者ゲンナジー・ゴロフキンと並ぶ現役世界最多。 pic.twitter.com/VtOcywFZ02
ボクシング専門サイトに常駐して試合をきちんと見ていたと思われる熱心な海外ボクシングファンのコメント中心(一部X(旧Twitter)からも拾っています)にまとめました。(引用翻訳元 X1 、 boxingscene1 、boxingnews241、fightnews.com1、ringtv1)
Naoya Inoue STOPS TJ Doheny in Round 7 after TJ seems to have injured his leg or back. The commentators laughed at him 💀#InoueDoheny pic.twitter.com/NGEE6eNhBn
— Dante 🦈 (@ohdante_) September 3, 2024
┗ 井上の勝利は見事だったけど、ドヘニーの負傷が影響したのは残念だね。解説者たちの反応が、時にはその場の論争を一層盛り上げてしまうことがある。
Inoue’s win was impressive, but it’s unfortunate that Doheny’s injury played a role. Commentators’ reactions can sometimes add a layer of controversy to the moment.
Inoue’s win was impressive, but it’s unfortunate that Doheny’s injury played a role. Commentators’ reactions can sometimes add a layer of controversy to the moment.
┗ 何で笑ってるんだ?ドヘニーはビーストですごい奴だよ、井上相手にあれだけ攻撃できる奴はそうそういない。できる限りベストを尽くして決して逃げなかった。
Tf they laugh for? Doheny is a beast bro not anyone gets that much offense off against inoue. Doheny did what he could and didn’t duck
Tf they laugh for? Doheny is a beast bro not anyone gets that much offense off against inoue. Doheny did what he could and didn’t duck
┗ 私は(イギリス)Sky Sportsの放送を見ていたけど、そちらの方はドヘニーにもっとリスペクトしていたよ。あんな容赦ない井上相手にあの時点になるまでは、できる限りのことをして健闘していたからね。残念ながら、どのみちあの7ラウンドか次のラウンドで倒されていたとは思うが。
I watched the Sky Sports commentary which was much more respectful. He was doing as ok as anyone can do against such mercilessness up until that point. A pity but he'd have been taken out regardless in that round or the next.
I watched the Sky Sports commentary which was much more respectful. He was doing as ok as anyone can do against such mercilessness up until that point. A pity but he'd have been taken out regardless in that round or the next.
┗ 今の私も、椅子から急に立ち上がると同じようなことになるね。歳をとるのは楽しいことじゃない!
That happens to me too now if I get out of my chair too quickly. Aging isn't fun!!!
That happens to me too now if I get out of my chair too quickly. Aging isn't fun!!!
┗ 背中の負傷だけでなく、肋骨も負傷しているのか、右脇腹にはすでにアザが現れていたね。TJは自力では立てず、担ぎ出してもらえなければアリーナから退場できなかった。
Injured back but also ribs as bruises were show immediately on the right side of his torso. TJ had to be carried out of he arena
Injured back but also ribs as bruises were show immediately on the right side of his torso. TJ had to be carried out of he arena
┗ 第6ラウンド終盤に背中に一発食らったのが影響しているのかな。でも、どのみち一方的な展開だったよ。
He took a shot to the back end of Round 6. It was all one way traffic anyway
He took a shot to the back end of Round 6. It was all one way traffic anyway
┗ 脊髄の神経が再配置されてしまった。
He rearranged his nerve in his spine
He rearranged his nerve in his spine
┗ 井上のパンチがあまりにも強烈だから、椎間板の一つが飛び出してヘルニアになっってしまったね。 ↑12 アメリカ
He punched him so hard he Herniated one of this dude's disc's..
He punched him so hard he Herniated one of this dude's disc's..
No real surprise but I thought Doheny was a credible opponent and showed veteran crafty skills and ring smarts. It was a weird stoppage but Inoue was gonna KO him within the next two rounds anyway. Inoue showed great footwork, too.
I can see what TJ was trying to do by trying to lure Inoue in to them catch a few times with hard counters, but he just could not pull the trigger fast enough and he found himself a step behind the entire way. He also spend too much energy on one game plan and was pretty much out of gas by the second half of the fight.
I hope they paid TJ very well to go through that.
Doheny had no business getting the fight. Embarrassing quit job.
Doheny didn’t actually look bad, threw from decent angles and kept moving but Inoue literally beat the back off him in the end. Those punches in the last round sounded sickening when they landed.
┗ 確かに、ドヘニーは最初の数ラウンドでは悪くなかったけど、(解説のティモシー)ブラッドリーが3ラウンド後に言った次のことが的を射ていたと思う「井上はプレッシャーを強めるまで、ドヘニーを持ちこたえさせていた」。その話を君は聞いていたかな?井上はドヘニーの能力を見極めながら、敢えてドヘニーを良い感じに見せていたんだよ。そして言葉通りにその後は一気に流れが悪くなった。最後の数ラウンドの重いボディショットが、ドヘニーを完全に窮地に追い込んだんだ。
Yeah Doheny didn't look bad the first few rounds, but I think Bradley called it right after three rounds, did you hear him say Inoue was carrying Doheny until he decides to turn up the pressure? He kinda let Doheny look good while he figured him out. Then it all went downhill fast. Those heavy, heavy body shots in the last couple rounds had Doheny in a world of trouble.
Yeah Doheny didn't look bad the first few rounds, but I think Bradley called it right after three rounds, did you hear him say Inoue was carrying Doheny until he decides to turn up the pressure? He kinda let Doheny look good while he figured him out. Then it all went downhill fast. Those heavy, heavy body shots in the last couple rounds had Doheny in a world of trouble.
I wonder what Inoue's power punch per square inch is? Jesus. The guy hits twice as hard as anyone in his weight classes so far. He may be the hardest hitter ever when taking into account his size.
┗ 少なくとも(27戦全KOのままこの世を去った)エドウィン・バレロ並の強打はあると思う。しかも精度や正確さは井上のほうがはるかに上だ。クロフォードの大ファンである自分が見ても、井上はボクシング界最高の選手なのはわかっているし、ここ数年間ずっとそうあり続けている。
He hits at least as hard as Edwin Valero and is infinitely more accurate and precise. I'm a huge Bud Crawford fan, but Inoue is the best fighter in boxing and has been for several years.
He hits at least as hard as Edwin Valero and is infinitely more accurate and precise. I'm a huge Bud Crawford fan, but Inoue is the best fighter in boxing and has been for several years.
Anyone saying Inoue fights cans or bums clearly don't know sht about Boxing. Complain about his last fight if you want but this guy has fought one top fighter after another after another after another. He is a top PFP fighter for a clear set of reasons!I think Inoue's next fights will be back on track with higher quality opponents. MJ is a solid opponent and Gooman had a hell of a win last year.
In my view, Akhmadaliev would be a good next opponent for Inoue.
┗ 同意。彼なら私の同胞グッドマンよりも井上にタフな試合を提供してくれると思う。 オーストラリア
Agree Colson, think he gives Inoue a tougher fight than my countryman Goodman.
Agree Colson, think he gives Inoue a tougher fight than my countryman Goodman.
I’m an Aussie. Goodman is going to get fkn pummeled inside of 6 rounds
Good performance from inoue, on to the next one.
There's a special kind of atmosphere to Inoue's fights, especially when you hear those first few punches land.
I don't care where Inoue fights, this guy is scary good..
Nobody is beating this dude from 120-130!!
Doheny gave a very good account of himself, pulling out all his cagey-veteran tactics, and he never just shelled up, the way a lot of Inoue's opponents do. It was Inoue's least exciting fight, but a good technical matchup. Until he fights in the US, I will always get up at 4:30am to watch him. It's almost a religious ritual. We're lucky to be alive to watch the Monster.
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