【速報 JUST IN 】エンジェルス 大谷翔平 大リーグ通算100号ホームラン達成 #nhk_news https://t.co/oKetj2tutW
— NHKニュース (@nhk_news) May 15, 2022
このニュースについて海外ユーザーと思われる英語コメントをまとめました。(引用翻訳元 twitter1、facebook1、2、3youtube1)

Finally, been waiting for this!!!💯
Congratulations on Ohtani's 100th career home run in the Major League.
He's already at 100?!
Forgot to mention it’s his 100th career home run. I was too busy concentrating on the Instagram-worthy photo.
— Jessica Kleinschmidt (@KleinschmidtJD) May 15, 2022
┗ これは素晴らしい!
This is awesome!!!
This is awesome!!!
┗ 翔平に返すのかな?
Are they giving it back to Shohei?
Are they giving it back to Shohei?
┗ オークランドではHRボールをすぐに記者席に届けるのが普通なの?
Do they normally deliver HR balls to the press box right away in Oakland?
Do they normally deliver HR balls to the press box right away in Oakland?
┗ 急いでそれをつかんで走ってきたんだろうね。
Quick, grab it and run
Quick, grab it and run
歴史的 ⚾️
Historic ⚾️#GoHalos pic.twitter.com/QPCZintYBg
— Los Angeles Angels (@Angels) May 15, 2022
┗ 舞台裏:💯号記念ホームランが回ってきました📸。
BTS: Number 💯 is making its rounds📸 pic.twitter.com/CWd0xHft3L
— Bally Sports West (@BallySportWest) May 15, 2022
┗ (エンゼルスの実況を務めるパトリック・オニール氏)
Photo of THE photo! 😂 pic.twitter.com/mpVOyY150n
— Patrick O'Neal (@Patrick_ONeal) May 15, 2022
Shohei Ohtani number 100 made it to the booth! 💯 homers in the SHO! Sugoi! pic.twitter.com/0SKFKbrJeB
— Patrick O'Neal (@Patrick_ONeal) May 15, 2022
┗ 素晴らしい!🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
AWESOME!!!! 🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
AWESOME!!!! 🙌🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
┗ ワォ、これは素晴らしい光景だね。(解説の)マーク・クビサと二人で、大谷の通算100本塁打のボールと一緒に写真を撮ってくれたね。
Wow that’s amazing both you and @Markgubicza got a picture with Ohtani 100th career homer ball
Wow that’s amazing both you and @Markgubicza got a picture with Ohtani 100th career homer ball
YEEHAW x100 🤠 pic.twitter.com/Tj4I7jOMbh
— Los Angeles Angels (@Angels) May 15, 2022
┗ この瞬間を待っていた。(ハットをかぶせる)新しい慣習もいいね。
I live for these moments. .Love this new tradition.
I live for these moments. .Love this new tradition.
┗ 私もいつもこんな感じで迎えられたい😌✨。
This is exactly how I want to always enter a room 😌✨
This is exactly how I want to always enter a room 😌✨
大谷翔平がいるだけで、エンゼルスは、brew crew(※ブルワーズの愛称)に次ぐ2番目のお気に入りチームになるかもしれない。
Angels might be my second team behind the brew crew solely because of Shohei Ohtani
1,500安打以上 200本以上 100勝以上 1,000KS以上 、このあたりが二刀流プレイヤーの基準になるのだろうか。
Makes me wonder what would be HOF numbers for Ohtani 1,500+ hits 200+ homeruns 100+ wins and 1,000+ ks I wonder if that will be the bar for 2 way players
just a couple of iPad kids 💕
— Los Angeles Angels (@Angels) May 15, 2022
┗ これがエンゼルスの野球だ。
This is Angels baseball
This is Angels baseball
┗ このチームが大好き 、とても貴重!😭😭😭
I love this team. So precious!!!!
I love this team. So precious!!!!
┗ (エンゼルス公式)
┗ まさか、それはない😭
no way
no way
大谷が通算100号本塁打。 エンゼルスでは、トロイ・グローズ、トラウト、ティム・サーモンに次ぐ史上4番目の早さ。
100th career home run for Ohtani, the 4th fastest in Angels history behind Troy Glaus, Trout, Tim Salmon
He got to 100 fast as heck
Enjoy people. You’re watching a legend. Not even in the making. He’s already there.
Seems pretty fast, right?! Crazy impressive.
He's going to get to 500 fast
Just like with ichiro, when it’s all said and done we are going to think about how his numbers could’ve been even more insane if he started in the MLB earlier. And his numbers will already be impressive (just like ichiro’s). What an amazing player.
The sad part is that 2/3 of the country doesn't see him play regularly. If he was in New York he would be a lock to be the face of the league.
they should name the MVP award after this guy #facts
How many will he end up hitting in his career.
Congrats Shohei on HR 💯 Now this another 500 with the @Angels
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■MLB NEWS@まとめ : イチロー(38)「メジャー100号は恥ずかしい。2年で打つ人もいますから」
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